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Board game

Game experience

Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping paragliding adventure! This unique board game will take you to the mountains, on the ground and into the air. You will become a brave pilot-racer, who will try to reach the destination ASAP, flying or hiking.

You will follow the routes given by placing the start, finish and turn points anywhere on the map that is put together in many different ways. You can take advantage of the speed of a paraglider in the air or safe movement on the ground.

The task will be hard, because the weather in the mountains can change unexpectedly. Various weather changes on the route will make you flexibly adjust your tactics.

You will learn to calculate the height needed to fly over the mountains and use your energy efficiently when hiking on the ground. Moreover, you have to learn how to use the portion of luck, that you have been given at the beginning of the day, at the right moment.

Why paragliding
board game?

We love mountains, freedom, X-Alps and we are pilots. But not everyday is a good weather for flying. Sitting on the hills, in the pubs and cars we kept asking a question how to fly even when it’s not possible. We stopped asking and started solving. And here we are with the unique board game.


We created the rules and we want you to get the best experience, so ask and get answers. Remember pilots help pilots, even the fresh ones.